Day 1 Blog: Do the People of Negros Oriental Fear Congressman Arnie Teves?
This is day one in my effort to write a blog daily. The goal of this blog is to improve my skill in writing because I am very much aware that it sucks. And the topic of my first daily blog is a bit political. I will be taking off from the statement of Congressman Arnie Teves during the Senate Hearing. He was accused of striking fear in the people of Negros Oriental, and he responded that it was false because of the thousands of followers he has on Facebook, there are countless people he helped, and citizens also treat him as a celebrity and have pictures with them. And from my understanding of his defense, he is not feared or creating fear because of the thousands of accounts where Congressman Arnie Teves considers himself approachable. Will the Senate accept his defense? That I do not know. But what we know for certain is, Congressman Arnie Teves, does give financial aid to his constituents when asked. I believe hundreds if not thousands can prove this claim. Because anyone from the 3...