Surviving Year 2021 | The Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF)
Surviving Year 2021 | The Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF) The Metro Manila Film Festival (2021) The Metro Manila Film Festival (MMFF) 2021 suffered a low turn-out, for a good reason. The movie ticket price is pointed out as one of the causes for the MMFF’s failure. You will spend at least 450 pesos to watch an MMFF 2021 entry. That is a significant amount of money during a time of uncertainty and when every peso saved is necessary. Personally, I don’t want the festival to fail or run to a closure. That would be a very sad day for the common people who are working in the movie industry. But unfortunately, the behaviors of the producers, even before the pandemic, is heading to a trajectory of the festival's cliff dive. This is a big presumption from my end, and the festival might recover next year. But for the MMFF 2021, here is my personal opinion on why it generated low ticket sales. Top Four (4) Reasons why the Metro Manila Festival 2021 was not a Success The Threat of C...